When you’re headed out of town for a little off road camping, WAY off road, you need something other than your standard Winnebago. UNICAT has designed a line of modular expedition vehicles to provide comfort and security to the world traveler intent on going where no campgrounds exist. Of course, no one said you have to leave the comforts of home behind, you just need a lot more capable vehicle to get you to your destination.
The UNICAT family of vehicles is based on chassis from Mercedes-Benz Unimog, MAN or Volvo depending on your specific requirements. All wheel drive and high ground clearance are standard in all models with a variety of cab configurations and carrying capacities.
UNICAT employs a staff of more than 25 specialists for chassis modifications, fitting, machining, body design and manufacture, interior finishing, electrics, leatherwork, domestic equipment, hydraulics, air conditioning, and heating.
Looking at the interior photos you can easily see what a first class vehicle building operation UNICAT has in place. These are really go anywhere expedition vehicles for exploring the last corners of the back country. Vehicles are built to your specifications so prices vary quite a bit. It’s not for your average traveler but if you’re looking for the last word in an extreme RV, this is it.
Link: UNICAT via BoingBoing
More photos and video below:

We shot a video about UNICAT at their HQ. Thought you might find it interesting!
Conrad Quilty-Harper
Producer, Mahalo Daily