A few years ago, if you wanted a Peterbilt pickup, you needed a lot of fabrication skills and loads of time. The finished conversions were really popular, but not everyone can take on a project of that magnitude which means Bob Suffern of Nashville, Tennessee is the man you want to see. His company, Lil […]
Lil Big Rig
Peterbilt Pickup Truck

Ford F350 Peterbilt Pickup Truck
A little while back we wrote about a Dodge Peterbilt pickup conversion. It was pretty impressive. Little did we know at the time that someone else was working on another Peterbilt pickup, this time based on a Ford frame. As impressive as the Dodge based pickup was, this one is a step up. Lynn Mullinax […]
Legacy Classics

Legacy Classic Trucks Give New Life to Vintage Haulers
When did the line between trucks and cars get blurry? Some years back, trucks not only worked hard, they had a look all their own. Those big rounded fenders and spartan interiors just made you want to roll up your sleeves and get the job done. Today, a lot of those hard working vintage trucks […]
Easy record keeping for truck drivers

Keep Truckin Mobile App Logbook and Fleet Management Software
Driving a big rig over the road for hours to deliver the goods our country needs also requires a lot of record keeping. Every day, federal regulations say hours of service must be recorded and submitted and every day truckers fill out paper logbooks to be faxed or mailed to their dispatcher. You might think […]