If you have a rear wheel drive pickup truck, winter can be an exciting experience. Some guys get sandbags, some try concrete blocks, but the point is to try to get weight over the rear wheels because a rear drive pickup truck on snow and ice is not much fun to drive.
Why didn’t someone come up with this before? ShurTrax is a durable double layer bag, the inner layer is a waterproof bag and the outer layer is very tough woven nylon. You lay this bag in the bed of your truck, fill it with water and you have over 300 pounds of weight right where you want it. You can let the water freeze because the bag expands to adjust. No concrete blocks flying around, no sand bags breaking open, and you can lay up to 500 pounds right on top of the ShurTrax bag so your bed is still useful. It’s also great in a 4×4 if you have a plow because it helps level the load.
ShurTrax comes in several sizes, one for Full Size Trucks, one for Compact Size Trucks and there’s even one for Cars & SUVs. I expect to see a bunch of these around where I live because we get snow, lots of snow and this looks like one of the best answers to an old problem that I’ve seen in a long while.