When we wrote about saving gas the other day, the first thing we said you should do was to keep your tires properly inflated. Easy advice, but do you really check? You can’t tell by looking at the tire because today’s tires can lose lots of air before you notice and by that time you’ve already wasted a lot of gas and probably worn your tires down more than necessary. But pulling out a tire gauge and going around to each tire is just enough of a hassle, a lot of us just get in our truck and drive. But suppose it was as easy as glancing at your tires? Would you keep track of the pressure then?
We noticed these Pressure-Check Valve Stem Caps the other day and they kick butt! You get a set of four and they are good for recommended pressures from 20 to 42psi. You inflate your tires when cold to the pressure specified in your owner’s manual. You screw on these caps and drive for a few miles to activate them. The indicators will show green. If your tires lose air any time after that, the indicator will show red and you know you need to reinflate to the correct pressure. Is that cool? A quick glance and you know your tires are properly pumped.
Now you have no excuse for driving around on soft tires. The auto manufacturers are developing expensive onboard tire pressure sensing systems so you can have a way to check pressure sometime in the future. These caps are something you can use right now. Check ’em out.