Driving a big rig over the road for hours to deliver the goods our country needs also requires a lot of record keeping. Every day, federal regulations say hours of service must be recorded and submitted and every day truckers fill out paper logbooks to be faxed or mailed to their dispatcher. You might think there would be a better, easier and high tech way to do this, and there is.
Keep Truckin has introduced a smartphone app that allows drivers to quickly and easily enter their hours on their iPhone or Android smartphone. They can get alerts when a violation is found, correct mistakes and then sign and submit completed logs by fax or email.

Fleets get the logs instantly in a form they are used to receiving and the records are stored digitally. No filing cabinets full of papers to keep track of. Past logs can be quickly examined and audits are easy.
The Keep Truckin app also helps drivers keep track of inspection items that need to be fixed and check them off when corrected. Smooth, simple and fast.
The Keep Truckin team is just getting started and if this app is any indication, drivers and fleets should give them a serious look.